I extend my deepest appreciation to all who helped make this site possible. The process has not been easy for those who knew Sam to work through the pain of loss and to put words to their feelings. More stories will be added as others are able, and I thank them, too, in anticipation of publishing their impressions of Dr. Hsu.

This project has been a faith-building experience for me personally, considering how God uses the person who is overcome by His love and wholly surrendered. May God increase in each of us a deepening hunger to know Christ and to give Him our all, as was so true of our dear Sam.

Craig Claudin

  • Story Contributors
  • Mr. Kenneth Borrmann
  • Mr. Sam Cardillo
  • Mrs. Margaret Claudin
  • Ms. Ivenette LaCount
  • Dr. Kenneth Larter
  • Dr. Mark Peters
  • Dr. Fred Putnam
  • Mr. Erikson Rojas
  • Mr. Floyd Rawleigh
  • Mrs. Janice Roberts
  • Dr. Philip Ryken
  • Mr. Kile Smith
  • Mrs. Robin Vallette
  • Mr. Matthew White

  • Photographs, Recordings, Permissions,
    and Other Assistance
  • Mr. Joshua Devine
  • Dr. Andrew Hui
  • Dr. Timothy Hui
  • Dr. Paul R. Isensee
  • Dr. Paul S. Jones
  • Mrs. Evelyn Larter
  • Mrs. Robin Vallette
  • Mr. Ephraim Schäfli
  • Lorigail Photography
  • Ms. Lisa Weidman
  • Philadelphia Biblical University, Langhorne, PA
  • Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, PA
Sam's Chinese name means