A Life to Remember

Dear Friends,

This final verse from the hymn, Lord, with Glowing Heart I’d Praise Thee, penned by Francis Scott Key, represents Samuel Hsu’s life and purpose on earth. Tacked to his front door, it served as a daily reminder when he left his apartment. It was written on his heart, too.

This website is a place where people can remember Samuel Hsu, a man who exalted Jesus Christ and who lived the literal meaning of his given Chinese name: "one who builds up the light." Sam was all about encouraging others and helping them reach higher, both professionally and spiritually. He was “Dr. Hsu” to the many students who respected and loved him, and just “Sam” to his family, colleagues and friends.

This site is also a place, if you never knew Sam, where you can get to know him. He was a gifted pianist and teacher but never stopped learning, regularly taking the train to New York for piano lessons up until a week before he died. He was a published professor of music history, a frequently-invited performer and a respected church elder, but always a servant.

Best of all, Sam practiced true friendship. Knowing him as your friend was, I suppose, a lot like knowing Jesus who not only understands us, but who gave himself for you, for me, and for Samuel Hsu.

Craig Claudin
Sam's Chinese name means